Endoxaban does not protect against stroke

Autor: Barukčić, Ilija
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 0719-9244
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7950459
Popis: BACKGROUND: Current data indicate a global stroke incidence of about 258/100,000/year. Despite the many times dramatic consequences for an individual and the human society, stroke is still not preventable for sure. Is Endoxaban of any benefit in this regard? MATERIAL AND METHODS: The relationship between endoxaban and stroke has been re-analysed. New statistical methods were used. RESULTS: Endoxaban does not protect people against stroke (P Value = 0.07199244). Statins protect people against venous thromboembolism (P Value = 0.00468021). CONCLUSION: It appears to be necessary to re-think the unconcerned use of endoxaban and of other new oral anticoagulants (NOAK) against stroke.
Databáze: OpenAIRE