Bounds for bounded motion around a perturbed fixed point

Autor: T. P. Valkering, R.M.J. van Damme
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 39(6), 813-825. Birkhäuser
ISSN: 0044-2275
DOI: 10.1007/bf00945120
Popis: We consider a dissipative map of the plane with a bounded perturbation term. This perturbation represents e.g. an extra time dependent term, a coupling to another system or noise. The unperturbed map has a spiral attracting fixed point. We derive an analytical/numerical method to determine the effect of the additional term on the phase portrait of the original map, as a function of the δ bound on the perturbation. This method yields a value δ c such that for δδ c the orbits about the attractor are certainly bounded. In that case we obtain a largest region in which all orbits remain bounded and a smallest region in which these bounded orbits are captured after some time (the analogue of 'basin' and 'attractor respectively').
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