Performance analysis of small and medium-sized construction firms in Oyo State, Nigeria

Autor: Akintayo Opawole, Babalola Olubola, Afolabi Olubunmi Abosede, Grace Kehinde Ojo, Kahilu Kajimo-Shakantu
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Acta Structilia, Volume: 26, Issue: 1, Pages: 66-96, Published: 2019
Acta Structilia, Vol 26, Iss 1, Pp 66-96 (2019)
Popis: This article examines time and cost performance of projects executed by small and medium-sized construction firms with a view to enhancing the firms' capabilities. The study adopted a quantitative descriptive analysis based on primary and archival data. Sixty-eight (68) valid questionnaires obtained from top managers of the firms provided primary quantitative data for the assessment. Secondary data were collected on the initial and final contract sums as well as on the initial and completion times of 184 public projects executed by the firms. Data collected were analysed using descriptive analysis. The findings indicated that the small firms specialised in general building works, while the medium-sized firms specialised in civil works, in addition to general building works. Project values in the case of small construction firms ranged between N1 million and N50 million, while those of medium-sized construction firms ranged between N51 million and N100 million. The performance index (PI) of the projects executed by the firms showed a general underperformance level. Approximately 96.12% and 31.03% of the projects executed by small and medium-sized firms, respectively, had cost performance index (CPI) at budget level (CPI = 1). Meanwhile, 37.42% of the projects executed by the small firms and 24.13% of those executed by medium- sized firms were completed as planned, that is, they had schedule performance index (SPI = 1). The article provides implications for understanding the influence of the construction firms' profile in relation to their PI that could assist in the capability development of small and medium-sized construction firms. Hierdie artikel ondersoek die tyd en koste prestasie van projekte wat uitgevoer word deur klein en mediumgrootte konstruksiemaatskappye met die oog op die verbetering van die firmas se vermoëns. Die artikel het 'n kwantitatiewe beskrywende analise aangeneem wat gebaseer was op primêre en argiefdata. Agt-en-sestig (68) geldige vraelyste wat van topbestuurders van die firmas verkry is, het primêre kwantitatiewe data vir die assessering verskaf. Sekondêre data is ingesamel op die aanvanklike en finale kontrakbedrae asook aanvanklike en voltooiingstye van 184 openbare projekte wat deur die firmas uitgevoer is. Data wat ingesamel is, is ontleed met behulp van beskrywende analise. Die bevindinge dui op spesialisasie van die klein ondernemings in algemene bouwerke, terwyl die mediumgrootte firmas ook in siviele werke gespesialiseer het. Projekwaardes in die geval van klein konstruksiefirmas het tussen N1 en N50million gewissel, terwyl dié van mediumgrootte konstruksiefirmas tussen N51 en N100million gewissel het. Die prestasie-indeks (PI) van die projekte wat deur die maatskappye uitgevoer is, het 'n algemene onderprestasievlak getoon. Ongeveer 96.12% en 31.03% van die projekte wat uitgevoer is deur die klein en mediumgrootte maatskappye het onderskeidelik die koste-prestasie-indeks (VPI) op begrotingsvlak (VPI=1). Intussen is 37.42% van die projekte uitgevoer deur die klein firmas en 24.13% van dié wat deur mediumgrootte maatskappye uitgevoer is, volgens plan beplan, naamlik dat hulle skedule-prestasie-indeks (SPI=1) gehad het. Die artikel bied implikasies vir die begrip van die invloed van konstruksiefirmas se profiel in verhouding tot hul PI wat kan help met die vermoë-ontwikkeling van klein en mediumgrootte konstruksiefirmas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE