Amnestus bergrothi Distant

Autor: Martinez, Cristina Mayorga, Peredo, Luis Cervantes
Rok vydání: 2014
ISSN: 0096-3801
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6124467
Popis: Amnestus bergrothi Distant (Figs. 1 a, 4 a, 5 a, 6 a, 7 a, 8 a) Amnestus bergrothi Distant, 1893, p. 453 Diagnosis. Juga with five pegs; anterior half of head without punctures; prosternal carina high with ventral margin straight (Fig. 4 a); pronotum with anterior half of lateral margins explanate (Fig. 1 a). Allied to Amnestus uhleri, but smaller. Description. Head, antennal segments III, IV, V, anterior half of pronotum, scutellum, and abdominal venter pale brown. Antennal segments I, II, rostral segments, and legs pale yellow. Hemelytra creamy white. Head. Posterior half with punctures; tylus longer than juga; rostrum short, reaching mesosternum. Thorax. Anterior half elevated; anterior and posterior margins concave, anterior half of anterolateral margins expanded. Propleura shiny and polished, prosternal carina high with ventral margin straight (Fig. 4 a). Mesopleura with evaporatorium extended, reaching anterior and lateral margins of pleura. Metapleura with evaporatorium reaching posterior and lateral margins, posterior margin serrated, with fine setae, peritreme elongated and slightly curved, with mesial pale brown sulcus (Fig. 5 a). Legs. Fore tibiae with four robust spines on dorsal margin; fore femora with a mesial bifid spine on ventral margin (Fig. 6 a); hind femora with a simple spine near apex on ventral margin (Fig. 7 a). Scutellum triangular, with evenly distributed punctures on disc. Hemelytra. With dense punctures on all surface, basal margin entire, clavus with three rows of punctures, membrane hyaline surpassing apex of abdomen. Abdomen ventrally convex with just a few scattered setae. Male genitalia. Parameres swollen, apically short and acute, with ventral margin concave; with three setigerous punctures on external margin and two on internal margin (Fig. 8 a). Male measurements (n= 4). Body length 3.7 �� 0.3; head length 0.55 �� 0.05; width across eyes 0.75 �� 0.05; interocular distance 0.45; interocellar distance 0.22 �� 0.03; antennal segments: I 0.15, II 0.05; III 0.3; IV 0.32 �� 0.03, V 0.32 �� 0.03; rostral segments: I 0.27 �� 0.02, II 0.37 �� 0.03, III 0.3, IV 0.25; pronotum length 1.2 �� 0.2; width across anterior margin 0.82 �� 0.08; width across humeral angles 1.8 �� 0.2; scutellum: length 0.82 �� 0.03; width 1.0 �� 0.1; length of fore femora 0.60 �� 0.05; fore tibiae 0.77 �� 0.03; fore tarsi: I 0.1, II 0.05, III 0.15; length of hind femora 0.92 �� 0.08; hind tibiae 1.2 �� 0.1; hind tarsi: I 0.1, II 0.05, III 0.15. Type data. Although Distant (1893) did assigned type labels to the specimens (all females), the Holotype was not designated properly because there are two specimens mounted on one card. So here we assigned the specimen mounted on the right side of the card as the Lectotype, this specimen bears three labels: H.H.S. Mexico city; BCA., Hem 1 Amnestus bergrothi Dist (type); and a round red type label. The specimen on the left of the card is designated as a Paralectotype as well as the rest of the series. So there are three Paralectotypes with the same labels of the Lectotype; another Paralectotype from Teapa, Tabasco, Feb. H.H.S.; another from Pantaleon, 1700ft Champion. The specimens listed by Distant (1893) from Due��as and San Ger��nimo are lost and are not deposited in the Natural History Museum of London. The locality of the specimens here designated as Lectotype and Paralectotypes, cited as Mexico City, in our opinion are probable errors, because all other specimens of this species are from the south part of Mexico and Guatemala. Even though the type locality could be a mistake, the type locality is respected. New records. Mexico, Chiapas, Hoyo Don Nicho 8 mi N of Ocozocuautla, 16 -VIII- 1967, J. Reddell, 1 ♂. Guerrero, Acapulco, 10 -X- 1973, H. Brailovsky. 2 ♂ (CNIN). Veracruz, Rio Tacolapan Rt. 180 Km. 551, 25��� 26 - VII- 1966, Flint & Ortiz 1 ♂ (NMNH). Distribution. Mexico: Mexico City, Chiapas, Guerrero, Tabasco, Veracruz. Guatemala (Distant 1880 ���1893; Froeschner 1960; Mayorga & Cervantes 2009).
Published as part of Martinez, Cristina Mayorga & Peredo, Luis Cervantes, 2014, The genus Amnestus Dallas (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae: Amnestinae) in Mexico, with the description of eleven new species from Chiapas, pp. 401-432 in Zootaxa 3779 (4) on pages 403-405, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3779.4.1,
{"references":["Distant, W. L. (1880 - 1893) Rhynchota. Hemiptera-Heteroptera. In: Godman, F. D. & Salvin, O. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali Americana. Vol. 1. London, 462 pp.","Froeschner, R. C. (1960) Cydnidae of the Western Hemisphere. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 111, 337 - 680. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.111 - 3430.337","Mayorga, C. & Cervantes, L. (2009) Two new species of Amnestus from Guatemala, with new records for some other Guatemalan burrower bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae). Zootaxa, 2311, 19 - 37."]}
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