Increasing the Underwater Sensor Networks potential in Montenegro - an overview of the Horizon Europe MONUSEN project

Autor: Tomović, Slavica, Mišković, Nikola, Neasham, Jeffrey, Caccia, Massimo, Zečević, Žarko, Ferreira, Fausto, Marinović, Luka, Radusinović, Igor
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8143381
Popis: This paper presents the ongoing Horizon Europe Twinning project Montenegrin Centre for Underwater Sensor Networks (MONUSEN) and provides an overview of the activities that have taken place during the first ten months of the project and future plans. MONUSEN strives to create collaborative conditions for the University of Montenegro to trace a clear excellence trajectory in the field of Underwater Sensor Networks (USNs). This will be achieved by twinning with European research-intensive institutions with strong expertise in this field: National Research Council of Italy, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, and Newcastle University. The project has four main lines of action: scientific knowledge transfer, joint research on the design of efficient and secure USNs, research management capacity building, and broad networking with USN research stakeholders and industry. While all envisioned objectives of the project are listed, the paper primarily focuses on the research results and plans, and strategic measures for increasing scientific involvement and visibility.
Databáze: OpenAIRE