Survey of infrared measurement techniques and computational methods in radiant heat transfer. transfer

Autor: J. C. Richmond, J. F. Parmer, S. T. Dunn
Rok vydání: 1965
Zdroj: Thermophysics Specialist Conference.
DOI: 10.2514/6.1965-657
Popis: radiosity (emitted and reflected flux per unit area) subscript implying diffuse energy function view factor from surface i to surface j total image view factor irradiation (irradiance) index radiance s = subscript implying specular T = temperature (absolute) a. = absorptance e = emittance(in general hemispherical emittance) \e]i, = hemispherical emittance of the bottom of the groove 9 = polar angle p = reflectance (in general directional hemispherical) [p]T == effective reflectance of a groove to diffuse incident flux a = Stefan-Boltzmann constant T — subscript implying total
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