Multipath Interference Test Method using Synthesized Chirped Signal from Directly Modulated DFB-LD with Digital-Signal-Processing Technique

Autor: Kazuo Aida, Toshihiko Sugie
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 37th European Conference and Exposition on Optical Communications.
DOI: 10.1364/ecoc.2011.tu.5.lecervin.6
Popis: We propose a method of testing transmission fiber lines and distributed amplifiers. Multipath interference (MPI) is detected as a beat spectrum between a multipath signal and a direct signal using a synthesized chirped test signal with lightwave frequencies of f(1) and f(2) periodically emitted from a distributed feedback laser diode (DFB-LD). This chirped test pulse is generated using a directly modulated DFB-LD with a drive signal calculated using a digital signal processing technique (DSP). A receiver consisting of a photodiode and an electrical spectrum analyzer (ESA) detects a baseband power spectrum peak appearing at the frequency of the test signal frequency deviation (f(1)-f(2)) as a beat spectrum of self-heterodyne detection. Multipath interference is converted from the spectrum peak power. This method improved the minimum detectable MPI to as low as -78 dB. We discuss the detailed design and performance of the proposed test method, including a DFB-LD drive signal calculation algorithm with DSP for synthesis of the chirped test signal and experiments on single-mode fibers with discrete reflections.
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