Vestibular deterioration precedes hearing deterioration in the P51S COCH mutation (DFNA9): an analysis in 74 mutation carriers

Autor: Ronald J.E. Pennings, Hannie Kremer, Steven J. H. Bom, Ronald J.C. Admiraal, Patrick L. M. Huygen, Wim I. M. Verhagen, Anne M. L. C. Bischoff, Martijn H. Kemperman, Cor W. R. J. Cremers
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Otology & Neurotology, 26, 5, pp. 918-25
Otology & Neurotology, 26, 918-25
ISSN: 1531-7129
Popis: Contains fulltext : 48221.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) OBJECTIVES: To analyze cochleovestibular impairment features in P51S COCH mutation carriers (n = 22) in a new, large Dutch family and to compare the results to those obtained in previously identified similar mutation carriers (n = 52). To evaluate age-related features between progressive hearing and vestibular impairment of all mutation carriers (n = 74). STUDY DESIGN: Family study. METHODS: Regression analysis was performed in relation to age to outline the development of hearing thresholds, speech recognition scores, and vestibulo-ocular reflex time constant as the key vestibular response parameter. RESULTS: Pure tone thresholds, phoneme recognition scores, and vestibular responses of the mutation carriers in the new family were essentially similar to those previously established in all other mutation carriers. Hearing started to deteriorate in all mutation carriers from 43 years of age onwards, whereas deterioration of vestibular function started from age 34. CONCLUSION: Vestibular impairment starts earlier, progresses more rapidly, and, eventually, is more complete than hearing impairment in P51S COCH mutation carriers.
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