Supplementary Tables 1 and 2 and Supplementary Figures 1 through 7 from Efficient Eradication of Established Tumors in Mice with Cationic Liposome-Based Synthetic Long-Peptide Vaccines

Autor: Ferry Ossendorp, Wim Jiskoot, Joke Bouwstra, Naomi Benne, Eleni Maria Varypataki
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Supplementary Table 1: Loading efficiencies of OVA24 and OVA17 in liposomes Supplementary fig.1: Loading of OVA17 and OVA24 in liposomes as function of adjustable initial peptide concentration Supplementary Table 2:Physicochemical properties of liposomes Supplementary fig.2:In vitro DC activation (A) and subsequent CD8+ T cell activation (B) Supplementary fig.3: Gating strategy for detection of OVA-specific CD8+ T cells Supplementary fig.4: Intracellular cytokine analysis of OVA SLPs- immunised mice Supplementary fig.5: Detection of ag-specific T-cells in blood upon vaccination with Pam- and CpG- adjuvanted liposomes (A) and in vivo cytotoxicity (B) Supplementary fig.6: Gating strategy for detection of HPV E7-specific CD8+ T cells Supplementary fig.7: Tumor outgrowth and survival plots of mice vaccinated with HPV E7-formulations
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