Description and Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Residency Curriculum Using the Evidence-Based Medicine Environment Survey

Autor: Celeste Song, Lorraine Porcello, Tresne Hernadez, Brooke A. Levandowski
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Family medicine. 54(4)
ISSN: 1938-3800
Popis: Background and Objectives: Teaching medical trainees evidence-based medicine (EBM) is required by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Most published graduate EBM curricula focus on critical appraisal over point-of-care information mastery. Faculty at the University of Rochester Family Medicine Residency implemented a clinically integrated, cyclical EBM curriculum juxtaposing information mastery with expert-level skills such as critical appraisal. We administered the Evidence-Based Medicine Environment Survey (EBMES) to learners before and after the yearlong curriculum. Methods: Two cohorts of participating third-year residents completed the EBMES before and after an EBM curriculum. Results: Over 2 years, 21 residents completed pre- and postevaluations. Resident perception of the EBM educational and practice environment was high at baseline and improved for 15 of 36 survey items (P
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