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What if you had the power to ensure that Lots of Copies of your repository's Stuff were Kept Safe -- and discoverable, and retrievable -- from a second, stable, high-profile data point? What if you could automate the process, scaling up to the whole repository, or down to the item level -- replicating it all -- and storing that second archive for free? This talk presents "what came next" after the Naval Postgraduate School Library's innovative project to digitize its entire print-collection of ETDs with Internet Archive, a nonprofit venture based in San Francisco, CA. After taking back the IA's digitized-for-us content to seed our newly-built institutional repository, we began to think about the value of bringing the growing collection back to this popular platform and that making the round-trip back to the original collection in IA would increase its discovery, use and impact. By creation of a new integration between DSpace and the IA, NPS is now able to selectively publish archived publicly-accessible DSpace content to our pre-established Internet Archive collection. Support includes configurable metadata mapping, item creation, update, and, withdraw. Email notification assures that the process can be well monitored by repository staff. |