Life Under the Systematic Control of CRISPR-Cas9 Tool Ethical Evaluation of New Technical Genome Editing

Autor: Darko Novak, Odilon-Gbènoukpo Singbo
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Nova Prisutnost, Vol XIX, Iss 3, Pp 643-656 (2021)
Nova prisutnost : časopis za intelektualna i duhovna pitanja
Volume XIX
Issue 3
ISSN: 1334-2312
DOI: 10.31192/np.19.3.12
Popis: Suvremeni razvoj biomedicine i tehnologije brže i bolje nego prije donosi nova otkrića koja će znatno poboljšati pristup zdravlju živih bića. Jedno od takvih otkrića je alat CRISPR-Cas9 koji je donio znanstvenicama Nobelovu nagradu za kemiju. Pomoću tog alata moguće je precizno uređivanje genoma i time su otvorene mogućnosti manipuliranja životom sve do rizika »proizvodnje« genetički modificiranih ljudi. Ovaj članak nastoji jezgrovito prikazati glavna načela tog alata i njegove terapijske primjene na živi organizam. Etički izazovi otkrivaju opasnost biomodifikacije putem mogućnosti dizajniranja buduće djece, a to vraća ne samo eugeniku, nego i želju za nadilaženjem ljudskoga.
Modern development of biomedicine and technology faster and better than before brings new discoveries that will significantly improve access to the health of living beings. One of those discoveries is the CRISPR-Cas9 tool which brought scientists the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. With this tool, it is possible precise genome editing and this opens the possibilities of manipulating life all the way to the risk of »production« of genetically modified people. This article seeks to concisely present the main principles of that tool and its therapeutic applications to a living organism. Ethical challenges reveal the danger of biomodification through the ability to design future children, and this restores, not only eugenics, but also the desire to transcend the human.
Databáze: OpenAIRE