Collagen IVα345 dysfunction in glomerular basement membrane diseases. I. Discovery of a COL4A3 variant in familial Goodpasture’s and Alport diseases

Autor: George Haddad, Charles D. Pusey, Agnes B. Fogo, Dale R. Abrahamson, Rudolf P. Wüthrich, Clifford E. Kashtan, Alicia Simmons, Paul A. Voziyan, Fernando C. Fervenza, Sergei P. Boudko, Timo Wagner, Zhao Wei Cui, A. Richard Kitching, Raymond C. Harris, Eric Delpire, Andreas D. Kistler, Johan M. Lorenzen, Ming-Hui Zhao, Aaron L. Fidler, Sergei V. Chetyrkin, Ariana Gaspert, Carsten Bergmann, Oliver Gross, Billy G. Hudson, Maik Grohmann, Marten Segelmark, Harald Seeger, Elena Pokidysheva, Stephen P. McAdoo, Vadim Pedchenko
Rok vydání: 2021

0301 basic medicine
Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease
Genetic enhancement

Random hexamer
urologic and male genital diseases
Extracellular matrix
Diabetic nephropathy
Goodpasture syndrome
11 Medical and Health Sciences
Glomerular basement membrane
Editors' Pick
Alport syndrome

03 Chemical Sciences
glomerular basement membrane

Research Article
Signal Transduction
Collagen Type IV
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Goodpasture’s disease

extracellular matrix
diabetic nephropathy

03 medical and health sciences
genetic disease
Alport syndrome
Protein Structure

Molecular Biology
Basement membrane
030102 biochemistry & molecular biology
urogenital system
diabetic nephropathy
animal model
Cell Biology
06 Biological Sciences
030104 developmental biology
basement membrane

Cancer research
posttranslational modification

Protein Multimerization
Zdroj: The Journal of Biological Chemistry
ISSN: 0021-9258
Popis: Diseases of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), such as Goodpasture’s disease (GP) and Alport syndrome (AS), are a major cause of chronic kidney failure and an unmet medical need. Collagen IVα345 is an important architectural element of the GBM that was discovered in previous research on GP and AS. How this collagen enables GBM to function as a permselective filter and how structural defects cause renal failure remain an enigma. We found a distinctive genetic variant of collagen IVα345 in both a familial GP case and four AS kindreds that provided insights into these mechanisms. The variant is an 8-residue appendage at the C-terminus of the α3 subunit of the α345 hexamer. A knock-in mouse harboring the variant displayed GBM abnormalities and proteinuria. This pathology phenocopied AS, which pinpointed the α345 hexamer as a focal point in GBM function and dysfunction. Crystallography and assembly studies revealed underlying hexamer mechanisms, as described in Boudko et al. and Pedchenko et al. Bioactive sites on the hexamer surface were identified where pathogenic pathways of GP and AS converge and, potentially, that of diabetic nephropathy (DN). We conclude that the hexamer functions include signaling and organizing macromolecular complexes, which enable GBM assembly and function. Therapeutic modulation or replacement of α345 hexamer could therefore be a potential treatment for GBM diseases, and this knock-in mouse model is suitable for developing gene therapies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE