Additional file 2: of Selective demethylation of two CpG sites causes postnatal activation of the Dao gene and consequent removal of d-serine within the mouse cerebellum

Autor: Cuomo, Mariella, Keller, Simona, Punzo, Daniela, Nuzzo, Tommaso, Affinito, Ornella, Coretti, Lorena, Carella, Massimo, Rosa, Valeria, Florio, Ermanno, Boscia, Francesca, Avvedimento, Vittorio, Cocozza, Sergio, Errico, Francesco, Usiello, Alessandro, Chiariotti, Lorenzo
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.10071002.v1
Popis: Figure S2. Regression analysis associating the degree of methylation with mRNA expression levels of the Ddo gene. Regression analysis associating DNA methylation and mRNA expression of Ddo gene is shown in each analyzed brain area during development. Ddo mRNA expression is normalized to the mean values for two housekeeping genes and expressed as 2–∆Ct values. The three mice for each time point (P1 = red; P15 = blue; P30 = yellow; P60 = green) are indicated. Statistical analyses were performed using Pearson correlation. * p ≤ 0.05 (PDF 86 kb)
Databáze: OpenAIRE