4CPS-129 Evaluation of the real infusion time of intravenous immunoglobulin and influential factors in routine clinical practice analysis

Autor: L Betriu Sebastia, C Alonso Martinez, JB Montoro Ronsano, E. Lozano Ortín, M Garau Gomila, E Serramontmany Morante, A Roig Izquierdo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Eur J Hosp Pharm
Popis: BACKGROUND: Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is the standard of care for humoral immunodeficiencies (HID) and several systemic autoimmune diseases. Its chronic administration represents an important economic and logistical impact. PURPOSE: To assess the real time of infusion of IVIG compared to the established maximums and to analyse which factors could affect it, in order to find out if the infusion rate could be higher. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An observational, ambispective study with patients chronically receiving IVIG was conducted at the day hospital of a tertiary hospital (December 2016 to March 2017). Biodemographic data (sex, age, weight) and clinical data (primary diagnosis, dose, frequency of administration) were obtained from medical records. Infusion and premedication times were collected from the nursing management software (Gacela(®)) The primary endpoint was infusion time expressed as mean and standard deviation (SD) for each commercial preparation. The influence of demographic covariates, IVIg dose, commercial preparation and the need and type of premedication was also analysed (ANOVA test was performed with Stata(®)). RESULTS: One hundred and seventy-five patients were included (51% females, mean age of 55 (20–91)). Sixty-nine patients had HID, 89 had neurological disease and 17 had systemic autoimmune diseases. The dose administered, need of premedication and commercial preparation had an impact on the time of infusion. However, it was not affected by sex, weight or age. Logically at higher doses, more infusion time was required. Moreover, the infusion rate was higher in the case of Intratec(®) (9.14 g/h, SD 0.98 g/h, n=3), Octagamocta(®) (8.48 g/h, SD 1.81 g/h, n=25) and Privigen(®) (8.39 g/h, SD 2.30 g/h, n=84). Flebogamma-Plangamma5%(®) (7.33 g/h, SD 1.76 g/h, n=36) and Flebogamma10%(®) (7.61 g/h, SD 1.54 g/h, n=16) achieved intermediate velocities. The preparations with the lowest IVIg infusion rate values were Kiovig(®) (7.30 g/h, SD 2.60 g/h, n=6) and Gammagard(®) (644 g/h, SD 2.08 g/h, n=5). All preparations were infused at a lower rate (p
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