Enhanced adhesion of acrylic adhesives with dental tissue with the addition of aluminum oxide based particles

Autor: Bojan Gligorijević, Nataša Z. Tomić, Radmila Jančić-Heinemann, Tamara O. Perić, Marija M. Vuksanović, I. Mladenovic
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Tehnika, Vol 75, Iss 4, Pp 429-433 (2020)
Tehnika (2020) 75(4):429-433
ISSN: 2560-3086
Popis: Composite materials based on acrylate UV-cured polymers (Bis-GMA/TEGDMA) as a matrix and reinforcements that can be selected in order to adjust the properties of the obtained composite are used in the field of dental technology. The role of reinforcement is to adjust the mechanical properties, but also to control the shrinkage during curing. As reinforcement, alumina particles doped with iron oxide (Al2O3 Fe) synthesized using the sol-gel technique were selected. In order to simulate the process of adhesive application in real conditions, in vitro testing technique and adhesion properties of synthesized adhesive were used, where tooth tissue was used as a substrate. Comparison with standard adhesives used in dentistry was used to compare adhesion. The quality of the adhesive joint was evaluated using the microhardness testing method using different loads where it is estimated how the adhesive makes a connection with the substrate. It was shown that the synthesized adhesive showed significantly enhanced adhesion compared to the standard adhesive used in dentistry (836%). Kompozitni materijali na bazi akrilatnih fotopolimerizujućih polimera, (Bis-GMA/TEGDMA) koji predstavljaju matricu i ojačanja koja se mogu odabrati sa ciljem podešavanja svojstava dobijenih kompozita, koriste se u oblasti dentalne tehnologije. Uloga ojačanja je podešavanje mehaničkih svojstava, ali i kontrola skupljanja tokom očvršćavanja. Kao ojačanje odabrane su čestice aluminijum-oksida dopirane gvožđe oksidom (Al2O3 Fe), sintetisane korišćenjem sol-gel tehnike. U cilju simuliranja procesa primene adheziva u realnim uslovima korišćena je in vitro tehnika ispitivanja adhezije sintetisanog adheziva pri čemu je kao substrat korišćeno tkivo zuba. Dobijene vrednosti adhezije poređene su sa komercijalnim adhezivima koji se koriste u stomatologiji. Kvalitet adhezivnog spoja ocenjen je merenjem mikrotvrdoće primenom različitih opterećenja, pri čemu je procenjen način kako se ostvaruje spoj između filma i podloge. Pokazalo se da je sintetisani adheziv imao višestruko jaču adheziju u poređenju sa standardnim adhezivom korišćenim u stomatologiji (836 %).
Databáze: OpenAIRE