Autor: Vuletić, Ante, Horak, Lucijan, Jurčević, Marija
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Poslovna Izvrsnost, Vol 15, Iss 2, Pp 61-83 (2021)
Poslovna izvrsnost
Volume 15
Issue 2
ISSN: 1848-9060
Popis: Terorizam predstavlja jednu od metoda za postizanje određenih političkih ciljeva pri čemu se isti ostvaruju na temelju nasilja, kriminalnih aktivnosti te ugrožavanja širih društvenih skupina. Posljednjih dvadesetak godina javni prijevoz je postao područje od posebnog interesa teroristima zbog toga što ga koriste milijuni ljudi svakodnevno, a teško je omogućiti visoki stupanj sigurnosti na svim dijelovima. Visok stupanj zaštite u javnom prijevozu je teško osigurati na svim dijelovima sustava, a da pri tome isti ostane korisnicima lako dostupan. Za razliku od zračnih luka gdje postoje kontrolne točke, na autobusnim i željezničkim stanicama ne postoje preduvjeti za uspostavu visokog stupnja sigurnosti. U svrhu ostvarivanja cilja rada, provedena je analiza dosad provedenih istraživanja koja su u fokusu imala terorističke napade te je provedeno primarno istraživanje. Bitno je raditi na implementaciji sigurnosnih mjera jer upravo one mogu otežati provedbu terorističkih aktivnosti, ali i povećati vjerojatnost da teroristi budu otkriveni i identificirani.
Terrorism is a method for achieving certain political goals through violence, criminal activities and endangerment of large social groups. The basic characteristic of these activities are spreading fear and terror among the population. Terrorism has become an every-day challenge on global level and the risk of terrorism as a form of political risk is becoming more and more a part of system models for risk assessment. Activities connected with terrorism have not skipped public transportation either. This branch of transportation has been of special interest to those involved in terrorist activities in the last decade. For the people who are planning such activities, public transportation is an ideal target because there are millions of commuters who use public transportation services every day and it is very challenging to keep all the segments secure and equally protected. In public transportation, high level of protection can be developed at obvious control points. For everyone involved, making all segments of public transportation safe is a huge challenge, because all segments have to remain available to users. Unlike airports, where there are control points set up, at bus and train stops, there are no preconditions for providing high level of protection. To achieve the goal of this paper, an analysis of the current studies on terrorist attacks was conducted, along with the primary research. It is crucial to work on implementing safety measures that can impede terrorist activities, and heighten the probability for the terrorists to be uncovered and identified.
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