Sexual dimorphism and infraorbital foramen: a computerized tomography-scan study in a cohort of Senegalese population

Autor: Messina EBOGO, Kane MOUHAMMAD, Aïnina NDIAYE, Fokwa GISLAINE, Hassan DARAMSIS, Kwedi KARL, Tamba BABACAR
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Minerva dental and oral science. 70(5)
ISSN: 2724-6337
Popis: The infraorbital foramen (IOF) is an essential anatomical structure for maxillary block anesthesia in dental practice and maxillofacial surgery. The literature also reports the importance of knowing the morphometric characteristics of the IOF because it can be damaged. The aim of our study was to determine anthropometric characteristics of infraorbital foramen in Senegalese population in relationship with the sex.A total of 87 CT-Scan of patients were included in our sample and data collected from patient's cerebral CT-Scan. The transverse and vertical diameters of the IOF and its distance to the nearest point of the infraorbital margin, lateral nasal border and lower border of the maxillary were measured, and the shape determined.Eighty-seven CT-scan of patients were analyzed. This research showed that the transverse diameter of the left IOF in female subjects was 5.05±0.205 and 4.97±0.22 in male patients. The mean vertical diameter of the right foramen found in our study was 5.30±0.191 for the female subject and 5.28 mm±0.137 for the men foramen was located at 46% on the line above the 2Knowledge of the precise anatomical location of IOF is important in surgical procedures and reduce the relative risks during clinical procedures. This study showed many differences in the location of the IOF with Caucasians measurements done.
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