Supplementary Table S4 from Resistance to Durvalumab and Durvalumab plus Tremelimumab Is Associated with Functional STK11 Mutations in Patients with Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer and Is Reversed by STAT3 Knockdown

Autor: Michael D. Oberst, Maria Libera Ascierto, Phillip A. Dennis, J. Carl Barrett, Melanie M. Frigault, Rajiv Raja, Shaad E. Abdullah, Ashok Gupta, Ronald Herbst, Ricardo J. Miragaia, Theresa A. Proia, Ina Bisha, Matthew Griffin, John Meekin, Philip Martin, Stephen Blackmore, Kathy Mulgrew, Raymond Rothstein, Rebecca Halpin, Yashaswi Shrestha, Melissa de los Reyes, Maria Jure-Kunkel, Nathan Standifer, Song Wu, Nabendu Pore
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Marker genes for the main CD45+ cell populations identified in Supplementary Figure 5. Only genes with adjusted p-value < 0.01 and average log fold-change > 0.3 were included. gene, gene name; p_val, p-value calculated based on Wilcoxon test; avg_logFC, log fold-change of the average expression between the given cluster and all other clusters; pct.1, fraction of gene-expressing cells in the given cluster; pct.2, fraction of gene-expressing cells in all other clusters; pct.diff, Difference between the percentage of gene-expressing cells in the given cluster and all other clusters; p_val_adj, Bonferroni adjusted p-value; cluster, cluster annotation based on the gene markers identified; resolution, clustering resolution parameter used in Seurat.
Databáze: OpenAIRE