Identification of the Minimum Number of Measurements Required for Thermal Comfort Assessment in Large Workplaces

Autor: Pierangelo Tura, Pierfrancesco Cervino, Paolo Lenzuni
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Annals of work exposures and health. 63(7)
ISSN: 2398-7316
Popis: Optimization of resources is the key to improve our ability to perform multiple tasks with limited time and money. In the context of thermal comfort assessment, optimization becomes important in large rooms where tens of individuals perform similar tasks. This work focuses on the identification of the minimum number of measurement points that allows an accurate description of the thermal environment. Accuracy of description is assumed if no significant loss of information is associated to the transition from the ‘primary’ thermal map based on all available measurement points to a ‘secondary’ thermal map based on a reduced set of measurement points. The concept of ‘no significant loss’ is quantified by requiring that the difference in PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) between the two maps is kept We show that the uncertainty induced by the degraded resolution of the thermal map has a limited impact on the overall uncertainty on PMV. Application of the method to a few test environments shows that the room size perpendicular to the main window and the windows orientation play the largest role in determining spatial inhomogeneity in thermal maps. A minor concurring factor is the room area.
Databáze: OpenAIRE