Financial sector pro-cyclicality: lessons from the crisis

Autor: Carmelo Salleo, Giovanni Santini, Fabio Panetta, Andrea Pilati, Wanda Cornacchia, Antonio Di Cesare, Ugo Albertazzi, Francesco Columba, Paolo Angelini
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: We analyze the main forces affecting financial system pro-cyclicality (the fact that developments in the financial sector can amplify business cycle fluctuations). We first review some major structural developments in financial markets that may influence pro-cyclicality and that have been overlooked in earlier analyses. We then examine three issues that are center stage in the current debate: capital regulation, accounting standards and managers� incentives. After reviewing the institutional set-up and the key mechanisms at work, we critically examine a series of proposals designed to mitigate pro-cyclicality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE