Observation of isolated high-E-T photons in deep inelastic scattering

Autor: Chekanov, S, Derrick, M, Loizides, JH, Magill, S, Miglioranzi, S, Musgrave, B, Repond, J, Yoshida, R, Mattingly, MCK, Pavel, N, Antonioli, P, Bari, G, Basile, A, Bellagamba, L, Boscherini, D, Bruni, A, Bruni, G, Romeo, GC, Cifarelli, L, Cindolo, F, Contin, A, Corradi, A, De Pasquale, S, Giusti, P, Iacobucci, G, Margotti, A, Montanari, A, Nania, R, Palmonari, F, Pesci, A, Rinaldi, L, Sartorelli, G, Zichichi, A, Aghuzumtsyan, G, Bartsch, D, Brock, I, Goers, S, Hartmann, H, Hilger, E, Irrgang, P, Jakob, HP, Kind, O, Meyer, U, Paul, E, Rautenberg, J, Renner, R, Stifutkin, A, Tandler, J, Voss, KC, Wang, M, Bailey, DS, Brook, NH, Cole, JE, Heath, GP, Namsoo, T, Robins, S, Wing, M, Capua, M, Mastroberardino, A, Schioppa, M, Susinno, G, Kim, JY, Lim, IT, Ma, KJ, Pac, MY, Helbich, M, Ning, Y, Ren, Z, Schmidke, WB, Sciulli, E, Chwastowski, J, Eskreys, A, Figiel, J, Galas, A, Olkiewicz, K, Stopa, P, Zawiejski, L, Adamczyk, L, Bold, T, Grabowska-Bold, I, Kisielewska, D, Kowal, AM, Kowal, M, Lukasik, J, Przybycien, M, Suszycki, L, Szuba, D, Szuba, J, Kotanski, A, Slominski, W, Adler, V, Behrens, U, Bloch, I, Borras, K, Chiochia, V, Dannheim, D, Drews, G, Fourletova, J, Fricke, U, Geiser, A, Gottlicher, P, Gutsche, O, Haas, T, Hain, W, Hillert, S, Horn, C, Kahle, B, Kotz, U, Kowalski, H, Kramberger, G, Labes, H, Lelas, D, Lim, H, Lohr, B, Mankel, R, Melzer-Pellmann, IA, Nguyen, CN, Notz, D, Nuncio-Quiroz, AE, Polini, A, Raval, A, Rurua, L, Schneekloth, U, Stosslein, U, Wolf, G, Youngman, C, Zeuner, W, Schlenstedt, S, Barbagli, G, Gallo, E, Genta, C, Pelfer, PG, Bamberger, A, Benen, A, Karstens, F, Dobur, D, Vlasov, NN, Bell, M, Bussey, PJ, Doyle, AT, Ferrando, J, Hamilton, J, Hanlon, S, Saxon, DH, Skillicorn, IO, Gialas, I, Carli, T, Gosau, T, Holm, U, Krumnack, N, Lohrmann, E, Milite, M, Salehi, H, Schleper, P, Schorner-Sadenius, T, Stonjek, S, Wichmann, K, Wick, K, Ziegler, A, Collins-Tooth, C, Foudas, C, Goncalo, R, Long, KR, Tapper, AD, Cloth, P, Filges, D, Kataoka, M, Nagano, K, Tokushuku, K, Yamada, S, Yamazaki, Y, Barakbaev, AN, Boos, EG, Pokrovskiy, NS, Zhautykov, BO, Son, D, Piotrzkowski, K, Barreiro, F, Glasman, C, Gonzalez, O, Labarga, L, del Peso, J, Tassi, E, Terron, J, Zambrana, M, Barbi, M, Corriveau, F, Gliga, S, Lainesse, J, Padhi, S, Stairs, DG, Walsh, R, Tsurugai, T, Antonov, A, Danilov, P, Dolgoshein, BA, Gladkov, D, Sosnovtsev, V, Suchkov, S, Dementiev, RK, Ermolov, PF, Katkov, II, Khein, LA, Korzhavina, IA, Kuzmin, VA, Levchenko, BB, Lukina, OY, Proskuryakov, AS, Shcheglova, LM, Zotkin, SA, Abt, I, Buttner, C, Caldwell, A, Liu, X, Sutiak, J, Coppola, N, Grijpink, S, Koffeman, E, Kooijman, P, Maddox, E, Pellegrino, A, Schagen, S, Tiecke, H, Vazques, M, Wiggers, L, de Wolf, E, Brummer, N, Bylsma, B, Durkin, LS, Ling, TY, Cooper-Sarkar, AM, Cottrell, A, Devenish, RCE, Foster, B, Grzelak, G, Gwenlan, C, Kohno, T, Patel, S, Straub, PB, Walczak, R, Bertolin, A, Brugnera, R, Carlin, R, Dal Corso, F, Dusini, S, Garfagnini, A, Limentani, S, Longhin, A, Parenti, A, Posocco, M, Stanco, L, Turcato, M, Heaphy, EA, Metlica, F, Oh, BY, Whitmore, JJ, Iga, Y, D'Agostini, G, Marini, G, Nigro, A, Cormack, C, Hart, JC, McCubbin, NA, Heusch, C, Park, IH, Abramowicz, H, Gabareen, A, Kananov, S, Kreisel, A, Levy, A, Kuze, M, Fusayasu, T, Kagawa, S, Tawara, T, Yamashita, T, Hamatsu, R, Hirose, T, Inuzuka, M, Kaji, H, Kitamura, S, Matsuzawa, K, Costa, M, Ferrero, MI, Monaco, V, Sacchi, R, Solano, A, Arneodo, M, Ruspa, M, Koop, T, Martin, JF, Mirea, A, Butterworth, JM, Hall-Wilton, R, Jones, TW, Lightwood, MS, Sutton, MR, Targett-Adams, C, Ciborowski, J, Ciesielski, R, Luzniak, P, Nowak, RJ, Pawlak, JM, Sztuk, J, Tymieniecka, T, Ukleja, A, Ukleja, J, Zarnecki, AF, Adamus, M, Plucinski, P, Eisenberg, Y, Hochman, D, Karshon, U, Riveline, M, Everett, A, Gladilin, LK, Kcira, D, Lammers, S, Li, L, Reeder, DD, Rosin, M, Ryan, P, Savin, AA, Smith, WH, Dhawan, S, Bhadra, S, Catterall, CD, Fourletov, S, Hartner, G, Menary, S, Soares, M, Standage, J, Collaboration, ZEUS
Přispěvatelé: Zeus (IHEF, IoP, FNWI), UCL - SC/PHYS - Département de physique, S. Chekanov, M. Derrick, D. Krakauer, J.H. Loizides 1, S. Magill, B. Musgrave, J. Repond, R. Yoshida, M.C.K. Mattingly, P. Antonioli, G. Bari, M. Basile, L. Bellagamba, D. Boscherini, A. Bruni, G. Bruni, G. Cara Romeo, L. Cifarelli, F. Cindolo, A. Contin, M. Corradi, S. De Pasquale, P. Giusti, G. Iacobucci, A. Margotti, A. Montanari, R. Nania, F. Palmonari, A. Pesci, L. Rinaldi, G. Sartorelli, A. Zichichi, G. Aghuzumtsyan, D. Bartsch, I. Brock, S. Goer, H. Hartmann, E. Hilger, P. Irrgang, H.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Physics Letters B, 595, 86-100. Elsevier
Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Vol. B595, p. 86-100 (2004)
ISSN: 0370-2693
Popis: First measurements of cross sections for isolated prompt photon production in deep inelastic ep scattering have been made using the ZEUS detector at the HERA electron-proton collider using an integrated luminosity of 121 pb^-1. A signal for isolated photons in the transverse energy and rapidity ranges 5 < E_T^gamma < 10 GeV and -0.7 < eta^gamma < 0.9 was observed for virtualities of the exchanged photon of Q^2 > 35 GeV^2. Cross sections are presented for inclusive prompt photons and for those accompanied by a single jet in the range E_T^jet \geq 6 GeV and -1.5 \leq eta^jet < 1.8. Calculations at order alpha^3alpha_s describe the data reasonably well.
16 pages, 5 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE