ARSH 5: Reproductive Health Needs Assessment of Adolescents and Young People (15–24 y): A Qualitative Study on ‘Perceptions of Community Stakeholders’

Autor: M. K. C. Nair, Paul Russell, M. L. Leena, Yamini Thankachi, Babu George
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: The Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 80:214-221
ISSN: 0973-7693
Popis: To explore the perceived reproductive health problems, health seeking behaviors, knowledge about available services and barriers to reach services among adolescents in order to improve reproductive health services for adolescents. The study was conducted in three districts of Kerala and need assessment was done qualitatively using focus group discussions (FGDs), five each from all the three districts among junior public health nurses (JPHNs), anganwadi workers (AWWs), non-government organizations (NGOs), community leaders and adolescents. Majority of community stakeholders expressed that adolescents get knowledge regarding personal hygiene from their family itself and that they have poor knowledge about genital hygiene. Pain and associated problems are the most important difficulties faced by adolescent girls during menstrual periods. Most of the adolescents believed that excessive masturbation is a very dangerous practice. Most of the community stakeholders pointed out that though our adolescents know about HIV, they have very poor knowledge about other STIs and that parental ignorance increases vulnerability for sexual abuse among adolescents. They also suggested family life education sessions at schools and colleges for younger ones and premarital counseling for older ones, apart from counseling services and adolescent clinics. The important barriers in the utilization of services for adolescents are lack of awareness of parents, stigma to utilize services, economic factors, facility available at faraway places, and non-availability of services. The need for adolescent friendly health services and premarital counseling services in the community attached to health facilities, has been highlighted.
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