Heilus pupillatus

Autor: Lira, Aline De Oliveira, Sousa, Wesley Oliveira De, Rosado-Neto, Germano Henrique, Santos, Geane Brizzola Dos, Marques, Marinêz Isaac
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4414600
Popis: Heilus pupillatus (Olivier, 1790) (Figs. 5, 18C, 19B, 20B, 21B, 22B, 23C) Curculio pupillatus Olivier, 1790:508 (description). Heilipus inclusus Hustache, 1938:344 (description); Blackwelder 1947:818 (checklist). Hilipus imitatus Voss, 1954:267 (description). Heilus pupillatus: Kuschel 1955:297 (combination); Wibmer & O���Brien 1986:145 (checklist). Type material. Type specimens of Curculio pupillatus Olivier, 1790 were not found. According to Kuschel (1955), the type material of many species from the Neotropical Region described by Olivier are considered as lost. Images of type material of H. imitatus Voss, 1954 deposited in the ZMH were examined bearing the following labels: Chanchamayo, Peru, A. Heyne Berlin-Wilm.; Heilipus imitatus m.; COTYPUS.; Coll. E. Voss, Eing. 3-75; ZMH 833027. Non-Type material: The images of non-type specimens of Heilus pupillatus (Olivier, 1790) deposited in the BMNH, London, Pascoe Collection were examined but specimens did not have any associated label information. Redescription. Length (pronotum and elytra) of males and females 9.6 to 12.0/ 10.5 to 11.8 mm, respectively. Integument. Sub-opaque, varying from yellowish-brown to dark brown. Rostrum. About 1.3 times longer than pronotum; in females, about 5.7 times longer than apical width; in males, about 3.8 times longer than apical width. Thorax. Pronotum (Figs. 5 A���B) about 1.4 times wider than long, with few rounded granules, arranged approximately in two transverse rows in apical region, and arranged randomly on sides; with fine scales spread evenly, slightly rounded sides with few scales. Elytra (Figs. 5 A���B). Approximately 1.6 times longer than wide between humeri, moderately convex, with few transverse granules scattered from second interstria, concentrated in basal region until apical elytral calli, smaller and rounded from apical elytral calli to apex; with yellowish or orange scales evenly distributed; extensive whitish macula on sides of elytra, extending from median region to apical elytral calli, between striae 3 and 6, with small velvety black internal macula located on interstria 4; flat interstriae. Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig. 18C) about 1.2 times longer than he median lobe apodemes, apical margin rounded laterally, with slight depression in center; internal sac sclerite trilobate (Fig. 19B), with two pointed projections, tiny spicules elongate in center. Tegmen (Fig. 20B) with dorsal lobes subequal in length to manubrium; manubrium enlarged at base. Female genitalia (Fig. 21B). Coxites robust, elongate; apex of styli with dense, elongate setae. Spermathecal duct of median length inserted into median third of bursa copulatrix. Spermathecal capsule (Fig. 22B) sclerotized, with acute curvature, collum elongate, cornu rounded at apex, ramus well-marked. Dimensions (mm). Males/females, respectively. TBL: 9.6���12/10.5���11.8; TRL: 2.2���3.0/3.9���4.2; MHx: 3.4��� 4.2/4.2���4.6; RAW: 0.7/0.7���0.8; RBW: 0.7���0.8/0.7���0.8; IO: 0.2���0.4/0.3���0.4; PnL: 2.3���2.8/2.9���3.3; PnMW: 3.5��� 3.7/4.0���4.1; PnBW: 3.2���3.5/3.7���3.9; EL: 6.9���9.4/7.6���8.7; EW: 4.6���4.9/5.1���5.2. Non-type material examined. In total, 17 specimens were examined. BRAZIL: Amazonas: 1♂, 2.ii.1976, I.S. Coraveb (INPA), Itacoatiara, 1♀, 7.xi.2014, Batista, D.G., light trap (INPA), Manaus, 1♀, 08.x.1986, Klein, Bert (INPA), 1♂, 12.xi.1986, Klein, Bert (INPA), 1♀, 23.ix.1986, Luis Ulysses (INPA), 1♀, ix.1995, Barbosa, M.G.V., Malaise trap (INPA), 1♂, vi.1982, E. Oliveira (INPA); Par��: Itaituba, 1♂, viii.1963 (DZUP), Jacareacanga, 1♂, iv.1969, F.R. Barbosa (DZUP), 2♂, xii.1968, M. Alvarenga (DZUP), Mangabeira���Mocajuba, 1♂, iii.1953, Orlando M. Rego (MNRJ), Serra Norte, 1♂, 25.x.1984, trap (1,6 m) (MPEG), Alter do Ch��o, 1♀, 25.i.1994, A. Brescovit (MCN); Acre: Cruzeiro do Sul, 1♀, ii.1963 (DZUP); Rond��nia: Ouro Preto d���Oeste, 1♂, 24.x.1987 (DZUP), Vil- hena, 1♀, 29.x.1986 (DZUP). Geographical distribution. Wibmer & O���Brien (1986) presented the geographical distribution of H. pupillatus as French Guiana, Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil. The material examined allows for the first records of this species for the Amazon biome (Amazonas, Par��, Acre, and Rond��nia states) (Fig. 23), since Wibmer & O���Brien (1986) cited the species only for Brazil, without specifying the range of distribution within the country (Fig. 23C). Associated plants. Unknown. Remarks. Heilus pupillatus differs from other species in its irregular and enlarged range of yellowish scales that extends from the humeral region to the apical elytral calli. The synonymy of H. pupillatus, H. imitatus, and H. inclusus follows Kuschel (1955), based on the examination of the last two species, without a taxonomic discussion.
Published as part of Lira, Aline De Oliveira, Sousa, Wesley Oliveira De, Rosado-Neto, Germano Henrique, Santos, Geane Brizzola Dos & Marques, Marin��z Isaac, 2020, A review of the South American species of Heilus Kuschel, 1955 (Curculionidae Molytinae: Molytini: Hylobiina) with emphasis on those from Brazil, pp. 151-187 in Zootaxa 4861 (2) on pages 161-162, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4861.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/4414684
{"references":["Olivier, A. G. (1790) Encyclopedie Methodique. Histoire Naturelle. Insectes. Vol. 5. Panckoucke, Paris, 792 pp.","Hustache, A. (1938) Curculionides nouveaux de l'Amerique meridionale, qui se trouvent dans le Deutsches Entomologisches Institut. 3 eme note. Arbeiten uber morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlen, 5 (4), 334 - 349.","Blackwelder, R. E. (1947) Checklist of the Coleopterous Insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 185 (5), 765 - 925. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 5938","Voss, E. (1954) Curculionidae (Col.). In: Titschack., E. (Ed.), Beitrage zur Fauna Perus, IV, pp. 193 - 376.","Kuschel, G. (1955) Nuevas sinonimias y anotaciones sobre Curculionoidea (Coleoptera). Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 4, 261 - 312.","Wibmer, G. J. & O'Brien, C. W. (1986) Annotated checklist of the weevils (Curculionidae sensu lato) of South America (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 39, 1 - 563."]}
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