Effects of DDT on the calcium transport and thymidine uptake of bovine lymphocytes

Autor: Debra Yin-Foo, Michael McCabe
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 37:523-530
ISSN: 1432-0800
Popis: It is known that organochlorine compounds in the environment present risks which may be related to an interference with calcium metabolism. The evidence in favor of a role for intracellular calcium levels as signals for the initiation of cell division is summarized by Metcalfe et al., and forms the basis for a calcium hypothesis for the control of cell growth. Lymphocytes undergoing transformation provide evidence for an involvement of calcium in the steps preceding mitogenic activation which occur within 20 hours of exposure to a mitogen. It has been suspected for some time that the incidence of lymphomas and leukemias may be higher in farming populations with significant past exposure to several organochlorine insecticides. It is also known that immune suppression can provoke an increase in the incidence of certain cancers, although whether this is an example of (lack of) immune surveillance for potential cancer cells or of some less direct mechanism such as a reduced resistance to a viral infection, is still unclear. For these reasons it is important to know whether DDT and other chemically related organochlorine compounds modulate calcium levels within lymphocytes, and if so whether this modulation relates to the observed effects of these compounds onmore » lymphocyte mitogenesis. Such studies may also be of some value in providing a clue as to the relationship between chemically induced leukemias and DDT exposure.« less
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