Autor: Ivan Terletskyi, Ihor Kobza
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Technology Transfer: Innovative Solutions in Medicine, Vol 0, Iss 0, Pp 29-31 (2017)
ISSN: 2585-6634
Popis: Aim.The research was conducted for the purpose of improving treatment outcomes, reducing time on treatment, declining in disability, improving life quality of patient with diabetic ulcers. Methods.In this research two groups of patients with diabetic leg ulcers were used: I group (51 patients) – treated with a standard procedure (control group) and second group (52 patients) – whether treatment was supplemented cytostazol (100 mg twice a day). For the evaluation the life quality of patients a questionnaire «SF - 36 Health Status Survey» was used during the treatment, the rate of the wound healing was calculated by the formula and 120 histological preparations were analyzed (20 patients of each group). Results.After analysing the questionnaire results, significant differences were observed between groups of patients, manifested by de-emphasized role of physical problems, improved viability and psycho-emotional state with less manifestation of the differences in the control group. The reliable increase in the rate of wound healing was found in patients who took cilostazol. It was observed appearance of carbohydrate determinants in the endothelium of newly formed blood vessels after two weeks of treatment while in the most of the patients’ drugs of the control group there were no such obvious manifestations of regeneration. Discussion. Regarding the results of the research, cilostazol is worth to be examined as perspective means for treatment of patients with diabetic ulcers. In turn, the results of lectinohistochemicals researches can be one of the objective tests of violation of balance of restorative-reparatory and destructively-necrotizing processes for patients with leg ulcers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE