Orientation-selective and frequency-correlated light-induced pulsed dipolar spectroscopy

Autor: Marilena Di Valentin, Arnau Bertran, Alice M. Bowen, Christiane R. Timmel, Kevin B. Henbest, Marina Gobbo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Popis: We explore the potential of orientation-resolved pulsed dipolar spectroscopy (PDS) in light-induced versions of the experiment. The use of triplets as spin-active moieties for PDS offers an attractive tool for studying biochemical systems containing optically active cofactors. Cofactors are often rigidly bound within the protein structure, providing an accurate positional marker. The rigidity leads to orientation selection effects in PDS, which can be analyzed to give both distance and mutual orientation information. Herein we present a comprehensive analysis of the orientation selection of a full set of light-induced PDS experiments. We exploit the complementary information provided by the different light-induced techniques to yield atomic-level structural information. For the first time, we measure a 2D frequency-correlated laser-induced magnetic dipolar spectrum, and we are able to monitor the complete orientation dependence of the system in a single experiment. Alternatively, the summed spectrum enables an orientation-independent analysis to determine the distance distribution.
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