Mops mops mops (Blainville 1840

Autor: Bumrungsri, Sara, Harrison, David L., Satasook, Chutamas, Prajukjitr, Amorn, Thong-Aree, Siriporn, Bates, Paul J. J.
Rok vydání: 2006
ISSN: 1733-5329
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4329577
Popis: Mops mops (Blainville, 1840) Malayan free-tailed bat Molossus mops Blainville, 1840: 101, Sumatra. New Material PSU-M 05.9 (field no. SB030508.8), ♂, 8 May 2003, Ai-kading stream, Bala Forest, Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary, Wang Dis- trict, Narathiwat Province, 05°48’9”N, 101°49’15”E, collected by S. Bumrungsri and members of the Hala-Bala bat research team. Taxonomic Notes As only a photograph (Fig. 2f) but not the skin is available, this description of the Thai specimen is based on the skull. The skull, with a condylo-canine length of 18.4 mm (Table 5) is large and has broad zygo- mata. The braincase is inflated anteriorly and the sagittal and lambdoid crests are prominent. The palatal branches of the pre- maxillae are ossified and fused anteriorly; the two small anterior palatal foramina are isolated. The lachrymal projections are prominent. The small ‘first’upper premolar (P 2) is absent, and the canine (C 1) is in con- tact with the ‘second’upper premolar (P 4). The third upper molar (M 3) is reduced and flattened antero-posteriorly, with its second commissure greatly shortened, the meso- style reduced and the metastyle absent. In the lower dentition, the premolars are com- pressed in the toothrow; the first (P 2) is about equal in crown area to the second (P 4). Distribution and Ecological Notes Mops mops is found in peninsular Ma- laysia, Sumatra and Borneo (Corbet and Hill, 1992). The record from Java is doubt- ful (Hill, 1961). This species was captured in the same mist net and almost at the same time as P. stenopterus (see above). Cheiromeles tor- quatus was also collected from this locality. Medway (1969) considered this to be a gre- garious bat that roosts in dead or hollow trees and is often associated with the naked bat, C. torquatus.
Published as part of Bumrungsri, Sara, Harrison, David L., Satasook, Chutamas, Prajukjitr, Amorn, Thong-Aree, Siriporn & Bates, Paul J. J., 2006, A review of bat research in Thailand with eight new species records for the country, pp. 325-359 in Acta Chiropterologica 8 (2) on page 351, DOI: 10.3161/1733-5329(2006)8[325:arobri];2,
{"references":["BLAINVILLE, H. M. D. DE. 1840. Osteographie, ou, description iconographique compare du squelette et du syst P me dentaire des mammif P res recents et fossiles. Paris.","CORBET, G. B., and J. E. HILL. 1992. The mammals of the Indomalayan Region. Natural History Museum Publications, Oxford University Press, Ox- ford, 488 pp.","31 - 52. HILL, J. E. 1961. Indo-Australian bats of the genus FINLAYSON, G. 1826. The mission to Siam and Hue in Tadarida. Mammalia, 25: 29 - 56.","MEDWAY, LORD. 1969. The wild mammals of Malaya and offshore islands including Singapore. Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 106 pp."]}
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