Analysis of Scale of Soybean Farming in Irrigation Land in West Lombok District Indonesia

Autor: Made Suma Wedastra, I Dewa Gede Suartha, Theresia Suzanna Catharina, Ida Bagus Eka Artika, I Nengah Karnata, I Made Murjana, I Gusti Ayu Oka Netrawati
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7525260
Popis: This study aims to analyze: the scale of soybean farming in irrigation land in West Lombok Regency Indonesia, which was carried out in Gerung Village, Gerung District and Kediri Village, Kediri District, West Lombok Regency Indonesia. Location determination is done in stages (two stages) on the basis of the widest soybean planting area. The number of samples used was 60 respondents who were determined by non-proportional random sampling and data analysis using the CobbDouglas function analysis, followed by F and T tests. The results of the research show that: 1). Soybean farming in irrigation land in West Lombok Regency is on an increasing production scale (increasing Return To Scala). It is proven that the production elasticity is greater than one, namely (i = 2.427) > 1, which means that if input use is increased, the proportion of additional production will be greater than the proportion of additional inputs. 2). Integrated, the factors of production (land area, fertilizers, pesticides) have a significant effect on the level of production. This can be seen from the results of model testing using the Cobb-Douglas production function obtained F hit (33.726) > F tab (Z 0.05 = 1.645). and the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.922 which means that the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable is 92.2%, while the remaining 17.8% is influenced by other factors outside the model, 3). Partially, the production factors of land area, fertilizers (urea, TSP36, NPK) and pesticides significantly affect the level of production, while for seeds and labor, although they have an effect on production, they are not significant. From the research results it is suggested to: 1). Farmers to increase the use of land area, fertilizers and pesticides at a certain rate according to the recommendation of the local extension worker, because they can still increase production, 2). Other researchers, that this research has limitations because it does not succeed in providing information about how much change in the level of use of factors of production, so further research is still needed about the optimum level of use of factors of production. and inpu use efficiency.
Databáze: OpenAIRE