Autor: Richard H. Baker, Aafsar Mian, Richard K. Sakai, Shahina Said
Rok vydání: 1972
Zdroj: Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology. 14:215-220
ISSN: 0008-4093
DOI: 10.1139/g72-027
Popis: The sterilities of stocks with chromosomal aberrations were enhanced by re-irradiation. Males heterozygous for two independent aberrations were synthesized and their sterilities determined. The possible advantages of the double heterozygote males over either completely sterile males or those heterozygous for only one aberrational complex are discussed. Recently the possibility of using the semisterility associated with reciprocal translocations to control mosauitoes of medical importance has stimulated a considerable amount of resiarch in the experiGental induction of chromosomal aberrations (Laven, 1969; Bhalla, 1970; McDonald and Rai, 1970; Rai, McDonald and Asman, 1970; Baker, Sakai and Mian, 1971b; Sakai, Baker and Mian, 197 1). Escludina instances of non-disjunction between homologous centromeres and assuGng chat duplication-deficiency gameres lead to che formation of zygotic comh~nations which are lethal, the expected sterility of an individual heterozygnus for a single reciprocal translocation js 50%; 75% for a translocation heterozygote involving three non-homologous chromosnmes. Thus rhe maximum sterility expected with translocations in imects arch as mosquitncs, which have three pairs of chromosomes, appears rather Im in comparison -\kith rhe sterilibr employed in the sterile male techniqne. This paper reports the results if a series of ex-pcrimenrs wirh the mosquito, Czl/ex tritn#rimhy?~cb~s, of an attempt to enhance the sterility beyond the expected maximum.
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