Focal Myocarditis Mimicking Subendocardial Ischaemia: a Case Report

Autor: Fikret Bildik, Hüseyin Avni Demir, Gültekin Kadı
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Volume: 11, Issue: 4 122-124
Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports
ISSN: 2149-9934
Popis: Introduction: Myocarditis is an infrequent, possibly life-threatening, and inflammatory myocardial disease with various number of clinical complaints and symptoms, often caused by infectious agents. Case Presentation: A 24‑year‑old male came to the emergency department (ED) with the complaints of angina-like retrosternal chest pain and tightness lasting for three days. The ECG suggesting inferior submural ischaemia and echocardiographic assessment was normal. Laboratory tests showed troponin T levels increased. Coronary angiography was normal. CMRI showed patchy contrast uptake. It looked more like viral myocarditis. Conclusion: Acute myocarditis diagnosis is most difficulty and predictively in connection with the variety of clinical presentations. The differential diagnosis between myocarditis and AMI can be troublesome in ED.
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