Towards a traffic map of the Internet: Connecting the dots between popular services and users

Autor: Georgios Smaragdakis, Narseo Vallina-Rodriguez, Petros Gigis, Kevin Vermeulen, Emile Aben, Matt Calder, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Tao Luo, Weifan Jiang, Yunfan Zhang, Thomas L. Koch, Lefteris Manassakis
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: IMDEA Networks Institute Digital Repository
Popis: The impact of Internet phenomena depends on how they im- pact users, but researchers lack visibility into how to translate Internet events into their impact. Distressingly, the research community seems to have lost hope of obtaining this infor- mation without relying on privileged viewpoints. We argue for optimism thanks to new network measurement methods and changes in Internet structure which make it possible to construct an “Internet traffic map”. This map would identify the locations of users and major services, the paths between them, and the relative activity levels routed along these paths. We sketch our vision for the map, detail new measurement ideas for map construction, and identify key challenges that the research community should tackle. The realization of an Internet traffic ma p wi ll be an In ternet-scale research effort with Internet-scale impacts that reach far beyond the research community, and so we hope our fellow researchers are excited to join us in addressing this challenge. TRUE pub
Databáze: OpenAIRE