Uncrossed Asymmetry in Pattern Visual Evoked Potentials: A Reappraisal

Autor: Takashi Nishida, Jonathan Lubin, Eric J. Ericson, Michael M. Minieka
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society. 33(5)
ISSN: 1537-1603
Popis: PURPOSE To demonstrate the utility of an uncrossed asymmetry in full-field pattern reversal visual evoked potentials (FF-PVEPs) will accurately predict a retrochiasmal lesion confirmed by MRI. METHODS During an 8-year period, 754 patients had FF-PVEPs performed and analyzed without knowledge of their clinical histories and imaging studies. Interhemispheric amplitude ratios were calculated between N75-P100 and P100-N145 and deemed significant if both demonstrated greater than 50% amplitude asymmetry no matter which eye was stimulated (uncrossed symmetry). RESULTS We identified 11 patients of 754 patients evaluated for 8 years (1.5%) whose FF-PVEP fulfilled our amplitude criteria. Ten of 11 had retrochiasmal lesions confirmed with MRI for a calculated positive predictive value of 91%. CONCLUSIONS These data provide initial support for the hypothesis that specified amplitude criteria in FF-PVEPs can provide evidence for a retrochiasmal lesion. An abnormal interhemispheric amplitude ratio in FF-PVEPs is underrecognized as a diagnostic criterion for retrochiasmal lesion prediction.
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