Autor: Dryzhak, V., Yermak, S.
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3245570
Popis: When it comes to teaching, we usually mean young people. However, people in adulthood people are also undergoing training. The reasons for this are quite diverse: someone learns to master new skills, someone to improve their professionalism, become more confident, shape character traits, engage in a particular social community, and so on. Education accompanies us throughout our lives from childhood to old age. Article’s purpose. Methodological substantiation of the peculiarities of obtaining education by adults, pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers in particular. Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks: characterize the components of adult education; analyze the possibilities of implementing the components of adult education in modern conditions. Methodology. Inductive and deductive methods are used in the course of generalization and analysis of literary sources on the subject of the article. Scientific novelty. The conditions of professional development, training of professional development of adults, pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers in particular are substantiated. Conclusions. After analyzing the key thesis of the main educational law and the law "On Higher Education" as well as the results of researches by a number of national scientists, we came to the conclusion that the state has undertaken a function of creating the proper conditions for the development both subjects of educational activities providing relevant educational services, and the realization of the right of every person to education, including adult education. Today, institutions of postgraduate education and institutions of higher education carry out advanced training in different forms and using different approaches. The subject of professional development chooses the type and form of upgrading by himself. The pedagogical or academic council of the educational institution, where pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) employees work, approve the annual plan for the improvement of the qualification of pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) workers on the basis of their proposals. Professional development can be carried out both while separating or not from the educational process. According to the Law, the place of work (position) with the preservation of the average salary is maintained at the time of the professional development with the separation from the educational process in the amount determined by the legislation. The total number of hours spent on professional development of the pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) employee, which is paid for the funds of the corresponding budgets, is determined by the legislation. Outlined work does not claim to comprehensively study the aspects of adult education. A number of issues require further development: conditions for obtaining education, the study of foreign experience in the provision of such educational services, the development of methodological materials on the formation of readiness for education of adults depending on their age and individual psychological peculiarities.
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