Impact of Xen and Virtual Box Virtualization Environments on Timing Precision under Stressful Conditions

Autor: Dmytro Syzov, Irina Fedotova, Veronika Kirova, Mykola Korniichuk, Eduard Siemens, Nikolay Mareev, Kirill Karpov
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol 208, p 02006 (2018)
Popis: Sharing physical resources among virtual instances introduces time overhead in comparison with direct access to hardware. Such lag is not significant for most of the everyday tasks however it can influence much more in dealing with time-critical applications and especially in case of reliable network services. The purpose of this paper is to compare time overhead on timing operations such as time acquisition and sleep introduced by different virtualization environments: Xen, VMWare ESXi, QEMU. The current research focus to establish possibility of using such platforms in real-time applications with high resource utilization. In terms of present work, there are several load types to be used to simulate real conditions. Measurement performance includes different methods of time measurements and waiting operations. Considering results, the certain recommendations about timing mechanisms using different virtualization environment have been offered.
Databáze: OpenAIRE