A new approach to color-coherent parton evolution

Autor: Herren, Florian, Stefan Hoeche, Krauss, Frank, Reichelt, Daniel, Schoenherr, Marek
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: We present a simple parton-shower model that replaces the explicit angular ordering of the coherent branching formalism with a differentially accurate simulation of soft-gluon radiation by means of a non-trivial dependence on azimuthal angles. We introduce a global kinematics mapping and provide an analytic proof that it satisfies the criteria for next-to leading logarithmic accuracy. In the new algorithm, initial and final state evolution are treated on the same footing. We provide an implementation for final-state evolution in the numerical code Alaric and present a first comparison to experimental data.
23 pages, 7 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE