Matching and merging anonymous terms from web sources

Autor: Shanshan Wang, Lauri Carlson, Kun Ji
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: University of Helsinki
ISSN: 0975-9026
DOI: 10.5121/ijwest.2014.5404
Popis: This paper describes a workflow of simplifying and matching special language terms in RDF generated from trawling term candidates from Web terminology sites with TermFactory, a Semantic Web framework for professional terminology. Term candidates from such sources need to be matched and eventually merged with resources already in TermFactory. While merging anonymous data, it is important not to lose track of provenance. For coding provenance in RDF, TF uses a minor but apparently novel variant of RDF reification. In addition, TF implements a toolkit of methods for dealing with graphs containing anonymous (blank) nodes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE