Nonparametric estimation of the ability density in the Mixed-Effect Rasch Model

Autor: Alexander Meister, Friedrich Liese, Johanna Kappus
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Electron. J. Statist. 14, no. 2 (2020), 2957-2987
Popis: The Rasch model is widely used in the field of psychometrics when $n$ persons under test answer $m$ questions and the score, which describes the correctness of the answers, is given by a binary $n\times m$-matrix. We consider the Mixed-Effect Rasch Model, in which the persons are chosen randomly from a huge population. The goal is to estimate the ability density of this population under nonparametric constraints, which turns out to be a statistical linear inverse problem with an unknown but estimable operator. Based on our previous result on asymptotic equivalence to a two-layer Gaussian model, we construct an estimation procedure and study its asymptotic optimality properties as $n$ tends to infinity, as does $m$, but moderately with respect to $n$. Moreover numerical simulations are provided.
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