Autor: Bezemchuk, L. V.
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2620644
Popis: The article proposes solutions for the tasks on the realization of new art education content at higher school. Changes in the attitude to the music lesson as an art lesson require a music teacher to reorient the learning process in accordance with contemporary educational tendencies. Unlike mono-artistic education based on the mastery of one kind of art, it becomes necessary to focus on poly-artistic learning, which makes students master various types of art and gain knowledge about their originality, kinship and interdisciplinary connections. According to these demands, training of pre-service music teachers at pedagogical university must concentrate on the formation of students’ holistic knowledge on art theory and its history; esthetic attitude to different art kinds; practical skills in artistic activity; experience of art perceptions; critical attitude and interpretation approaches to art heritage; art creativity. An indicator of the quality of such training is the artistic competence of the pre-service music teachers. The content of the art disciplines at universities should be coordinated in accordance with the principles of integrative-subject learning. In interdisciplinary discourse, artistic education is considered as a process of learning, upbringing, development and self-development of a personality, aimed at forming their spiritual culture and artistic and creative self-consciousness. An important principle of establishing interdisciplinary coordination is the emphasis on training students as competent professionals who have thorough musical theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and are also able to provide any creative musical activity, necessary to a music teacher. The importance of the principle of interdisciplinary coordination is clear because it enables to expand the range of educational subjects, to increase the amount of knowledge in the pedagogical, professional and selective cycles of subjects of the curricula for masters of the «Musical art» specialty. The conceptual core for interdisciplinary coordination of artistic disciplines (perception-performance-creation-evaluation of works) is grounded in the paper. It is also offered an integrated course for masters "Methodic of the discipline teaching «Music Pedagogy-Pedagogy of Art" as well as educational material for independent work of students in the process of doing individual research tasks on the themes of interdisciplinary integration in art.
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