Augochlora (Oxystoglossella) Eickwort

Autor: Lepeco, Anderson, Gonçalves, Rodrigo Barbosa
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 0022-2933
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8067040
Popis: Key for Oxystoglossella species from South America Lepeco and Goncalves (2022) proposed two informal species groups for the subgenus based on their phylogenetic results: the A. iphigenia group (for species with slightly produced or transverse basal elevation of labrum) and the A. morrae group (for species with orbicular basal elevation of labrum). Herein, a refined scheme of informal species subgroups based on morphological features is proposed to facilitate species identification, as we proceed in determining species. Within the A. iphigenia group, a subgroup can be readily identified by female S1 tuberculate and male sternal modifications, the A. modica subgroup (A. mendax, A. modica, A. simplex sp. nov. and A. tenax). The species of the A. iphigenia subgroup have broad subapical tooth and strong cephalic polymorphism (A. iphigenia, A. matucanensis and A. phoenicis). Within the A. morrae group, two subgroups can be separated by the ornamentation of mesepisternum, rugulose anteriorly to mesepisternal groove on A. morrae subgroup (A. antonita, A. cymatoides, A. erubescens, A. laevinota sp. nov., A. morrae, A. obidensis sp. nov. and A. thalia) and punctate anteriorly to mesepisternal groove on A. aurinasis subgroup (A. almeidai sp. nov., A. aurinasis, A. brevipilosa sp. nov., A. eucnemis, A. lamellata sp. nov. and A. mineira sp. nov.). Augochlora rightmyerae and A. meloi sp. nov. are distinct from other species, but they can be associated with the A. morrae and A. aurinasis subgroups, respectively, based on mesepisternum ornamentation. Females 1 S1 with a tuberculate elevation (Lepeco and Gonçalves 2020a) (Figure 1I); labrum basal elevation slight, not well defined (Lepeco and Gonçalves 2020b) (Figure 1A); hypostomal carina never elevated or projected anteriorly................................................. 2 - S1 straight, without tuberculate elevation (Lepeco and Gonçalves 2020a) (Figure 1H); labrum basal elevation well defined, orbicular or transverse in shape; hypostomal carina usually elevated or projected anteriorly, sometimes forming a tooth............. 5 2 Metapostnotum entirely carinate-rugulose, strongly depressed and therefore being well delimited in relation to propodeum medially; body with dark green colouration, sometimes with olivaceus aspect, mainly on frons................................................................ 3 - Metapostnotum with carinae and rugae restricted to anterior portion, becoming smooth or imbricate posteriorly, slightly depressed and not well delimited in relation to propodeum medially; body light green or green, with golden reflections........... 4 3 Head with elongated aspect (ratio between length and width: ~1.7) (Figure 12A); frons dark green; lower parocular area, mesoscutum and scutellum smooth among punctures; anterior surface of T1 with sparse tiny setae among long setae; Brazil (Minas Gerais) (Figure 13D).................................................... Augochlora simplex sp. nov. - Head with rounded aspect (ratio between length and width: ~1.3); frons olivaceous; lower parocular area, mesoscutum and scutellum imbricate among punctures; anterior surface of T1 with dense coverage of tomentose setae among long setae; Brazil (Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro) Figure 13D).......................................... Augochlora tenax Lepeco and Gonçalves, 2020 4 Metapostnotum mostly rugose, lateral ornamentation forming semicircular carinae, posterior surface microreticulate medially, dull; body mostly green; Brazil (Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo) (Figure 13C).................................... Augochlora mendax Lepeco and Gonçalves, 2020 - Metapostnotum mostly with longitudinal carination, posterior surface loosely imbricate medially, shiny; body mostly light green; Brazil (Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe) (Figure 13C)............................................................................................................ Augochlora modica Lepeco and Gonçalves, 2020 5 Anterior surface of mesoscutum disc rugulose (weakly on A. erubescens); portion of mesepisternum anterior to mesepisternal groove mostly covered with coarse rugae, without defined punctures; sublateral surfaces of scutellum densely to contiguously punctate, I usually with copper-red reflections............................................................................................................................................... 6 - Anterior surface of mesoscutum disc punctate; portion of mesepisternum anterior to mesepisternal groove punctate or covered with small rugae (coarse rugae only in A. matucanensis); sublateral surfaces of scutellum with sparser punctation, with interspaces wider than 0.5 PD; gena and post-gena punctate to striate; terga rarely with copper reflections, never with strong red hue....................................................................... 12 6 Hypostomal carina raised as a translucent lamella, as high as 0.7 OD (Figure 3A), without distinct prominence anteriorly; dorsal surface of metasomal terga green, medially dull, without copper reflections Peru (Cuzco) (Figure 14B).......................................................................................................................... Augochlora cymatoides (Vachal, 1911) - Hypostomal carina not raised as a translucent lamella, less than 0.5 OD thick, with a distinct prominence anteriorly; dorsal surface of metasomal terga golden with copper-red reflections............................................................................................................................... 7 7 Mesepisternum, at mid-height, with coarse and well-defined punctures posteriorly to mesepisternal groove; contiguously punctate below mesopleural pit, becoming sparser ventrally (Figure 9B); mesepisternum loosely to strongly imbricate among punctures.............................................................................................. Augochlora obidensis sp. nov. - Mesepisternum, at mid-height, with shallow and poorly defined punctures posteriorly to mesepisternal groove; densely but not contiguously punctate below mesopleural pit; mesepisternum usually smooth among punctures, sometimes loosely imbricate 8 8 Anterior half of mesoscutum with punctures with similar size........................................ 9 - Anterior half of mesoscutum with punctures of two size classes: few coarse punctures scattered among tiny ones 10 9 Mesoscutum with sparse punctation posterior to median line (I> 0.5 PD); Brazil (Amapá, Amazonas, Pará), British Guiana (Figure 14B) Augochlora laevinota sp. nov. - Mesoscutum densely punctate posterior to median line (I Augochlora morrae Strand, 1910 10 Anterior surface of mesoscutum disc weakly rugulose; preoccipital ridge not produced, as thick as 0.2 OD; British Guyana, Trinidad (Figure 14B)................................................................................................................................ Augochlora erubescens Cockerell, 1923 - Anterior surface of mesoscutum rugulose; preoccipital ridge produced, especially laterally (> 0.5 OD)............................................................................................................................ 11 11. Clypeus, supraclypeal area, mesoscutum and scutellum usually with strong copper-red reflections; abundant coverage of yellowish setae on head and mesosoma; femora dark brown to black; Brazil (Amazonas), Peru (Huánuco, Loreto, Ucayali) (Figure 14A).............................................................................. Augochlora thalia Smith, 1879 - Clypeus, supraclypeal area, mesoscutum and scutellum usually without strong copper-red reflections; pubescence on head and mesosoma white, long setae relatively sparser; femora dark brown; Colombia, Panamá (Figure 14A).......................................................................................................................................... Augochlora antonita Michener, 1954 12 Mesoscutum disc mostly purple (Figures 7B, 10B) or mostly black (Figure 11B); apical dark band of clypeus more than 2 OD long, disc sometimes almost entirely darkened; clypeus and supraclypeal area with purple reflections...................................................... 13 - Mesoscutum disc without purple reflections and never black; apical dark band of clypeus about 1.5 OD long or shorter; clypeus and supraclypeal area without purple reflections............................................................................................................................................. 15 13 Mesoscutum and scutellum mostly black, except for small marginal areas (Figure 11B); clypeus disc almost entirely darkened; metapostnotum entirely covered with radiating carinae; apex of setae on sublateral surfaces of T3 not surpassing apex of sclerite; Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil (Acre), Peru (Cuzco, Madre de Dios) (Figure 13B)......................................................................................................... Augochlora rightmyerae Engel, 2000 - Mesoscutum disc purple, scutellum green with copper and purple reflections (Figure 7B); clypeus disc darkened only on its apical half; posterior surface of metapostnotum smooth or microreticulate, not covered with carinae; apex of setae on sublateral surfaces of T3 surpassing apex of sclerite............................................................................... 14 14 Portion of mesepisternum anterior to mesepisternal groove punctate; surface posterior to mesepisternal groove with small punctures, I sp. nov. - Portion of mesepisternum anterior to mesepisternal groove covered with small rugae; surface posterior to mesepisternal groove with very small punctures, I> 2 PD; metapostnotum as long as scutellum; on propodeum, space between lateral carinae narrow, about 2× higher than wide; hypostomal carina forming a tooth anteriorly (broadly expanded in macrocephalic females); Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil (Acre), Peru (Cuzco, Huanuco, Madre de Dios) (Figure 14C) Augochlora phoenicis (Vachal, 1911) 15 Portion of mesepisternum anterior to mesepisternal groove covered with rugae; basal elevation of labrum transverse or not well defined; lower paraocular area not contiguously punctate; lateral teeth of clypeus small, not projecting ahead of clypeal border..................................................................................................................................................... 16 - Portion of mesepisternum anterior to mesepisternal groove punctate; basal elevation of labrum orbicular; lower paraocular area contiguously punctate; lateral teeth of clypeus projecting ahead of clypeal border........................................................................... 17 16 Basal elevation of labrum transverse; hypostomal carina forming a tooth anteriorly; gena and post-gena punctate, without striae; portion of mesepisternum anterior to mesepisternal groove covered with fine rugae; dorsolateral angle of pronotum obtuse in dorsal view, without additional angle laterally; punctation on clypeus disc sparse medially, I = 2 PD; on propodeum, space between lateral carinae narrow, about 2× higher than wide; Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay (Figure 14C).................................................................................................................. Augochlora iphigenia Holmberg, 1886 - Basal elevation of labrum not well defined; hypostomal carina not prominent anteriorly; gena and post-gena mostly striate; portion of mesepisternum anterior to mesepisternal groove covered with coarse rugae; dorsolateral angle of pronotum acute in dorsal view, with an additional angle laterally; punctation on clypeus disc relatively dense medially, I Augochlora matucanensis Cockerell, 1914 17 Posterior half of S4 with short setae (sp. nov. - Posterior half of S4 and S5 densely covered by long setae (> 3 OD); hypostomal carina not forming a tooth anteriorly..................................................................................................... 18 18 Disc of T1 golden with copper reflection, shiny, punctures well defined; hypostomal carina as thick as 0.5 OD (Figure 1A); dorsal surface of mesosoma golden with copper reflection; posterior surface of metapostnotum smooth; Brazil (Pará) (Figure 13A)................................................................................ Augochlora almeidai sp. nov. - Disc of T1 brown, dull, punctures shallow, usually barely visible; hypostomal carina as thick as 0.3 OD or less; dorsal surface of mesosoma usually green with golden reflection; posterior surface of metapostnotum variable.................................................. 19 19 Preoccipital ridge lamellate, as thick as 0.7 OD laterally (Figure 5A); posterior surface of metapostnotum never smooth; Brazil (Pará) (Figure 13B)............................................................................................................................................................. Augochlora lamellata sp. nov. - Preoccipital ridge carinate, as thick as 0.3 OD laterally; posterior surface of metapostnotum variable.................................................................................................................................... 20 20 Posterior margin of metapostnotum covered with rugae or densely imbricate, never smooth (Figure 8B); basal surface of labrum dark brown; Brazil (Minas Gerais) (Figure 13B).................................................................................. Augochlora mineira sp. nov. - Posterior margin of metapostnotum smooth; basal surface of labrum yellow to light brown..................................................................................................................................................... 21 21 Upper paraocular area contiguously punctate (Lepeco and Goncalves 2020b) (Figure 3A); frons with crowded punctures near eye notch level; body metallic green; punctures on mesoscutum disc separated by about 1.0 PD; Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru (Figure 13A).................................. Augochlora aurinasis (Vachal, 1911) - Upper paraocular area densely but not contiguously punctate (Lepeco and Goncalves 2020b) (Figure 3B); frons contiguously punctate; body with blue reflections; punctures on mesoscutum disc separated by 1.5 PD Brazil (Bahia, Paraíba, Pernambuco) (Figure 13B).................................................................. Augochlora eucnemis (Vachal, 1911) Males (not known for A. brevipilosa sp. nov., A. cymatoides, A. erubescens and A. meloi sp. nov.) 1 S4 with a tuft of thick setae on medioapical margin; S5 depressed transversally on median surface; frontal line becoming faintly indicated above antennal sockets level; hind basitarsus about 5× longer than maximum width, usually slightly narrowed apically (except A. simplex sp. nov.); dorsolateral angle of pronotum rounded in dorsal view; clypeus apex and labrum creamy white........................................................................ 2 - S4 without a distinct tuft of thick setae on medioapical margin; S5 not depressed transversally on median surface; frontal line indicated as a carina at least near eye notch level; hind basitarsus more than 6.5× longer than maximum width, parallel sided; dorsolateral angle of pronotum obtuse or acute in dorsal view; clypeus apex and labrum colour variable.............................................................................................................. 5 2 Frontal line indicated as a carina at least near antennal sockets level; hind basitarsus parallel sided; S5 weakly depressed transversally on median surface; head with elongated aspect (ratio between length and width: ~0.7).................................................................................................................................................................... Augochlora simplex sp. nov. - Frontal line not indicated as a carina; hind basitarsus slightly narrowed apically; S5 strongly depressed transversally on median surface; head with rounded aspect (ratio between length and width: ~0.8)................................................................................................. 3 3 Mesoscutum and scutellum imbricate among punctures; mesosoma integument dark green, frons with dark blue reflections................................................................................................................................................................. Augochlora tenax Lepeco and Gonçalves, 2020 - Mesoscutum and scutellum smooth among punctures; mesosoma integument green (not darkened), frons with golden and light blue reflections........................................... 4 4 Metapostnotum entirely carinate-rugose........................................................................................................................................................ Augochlora mendax Lepeco and Gonçalves, 2020 - Metapostnotum posterior surface without carinae, smooth..................................................................................................................... Augochlora modica Lepeco and Gonçalves, 2020 5 Anterior surface of mesoscutum disc rugulose; portion o
Published as part of Lepeco, Anderson & Gonçalves, Rodrigo Barbosa, 2023, A review of Augochlora (Oxystoglossella) bees from South America: unexpected Amazonian diversity and assessment of vulnerable species, pp. 608-664 in Journal of Natural History (Oxford, England) (Oxford, England) 57 (9 - 12) on pages 610-617, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2023.2195564,
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