Heterophile Antibody in Normal Adults and in Patients with Virus Hepatitis

Autor: Sidney Leibowitz
Rok vydání: 1951
Zdroj: American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 21:201-211
ISSN: 1943-7722
DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/21.3.201
Popis: Considerable disagreement and confusion exist in the literature regarding the titer of heterophile antibodies in normal persons,' ~ owing to variation in technic and expression of the titers, and to method of selection of so-called normal persons. Because of this confusion, we studied the titers of the serum in 200 apparently normal adults. The technics commonly employed vary with respect to the volume of serum used and the concentration'and volume of sheep cells added, the temperature and length of incubation, and whether or not the tubes are subjected to centrifligation prior to reading. It is generally conceded that the actual volumes of the serum and saline make little difference except that smaller quantities are more economical. Lowering the concentration of sheep cells tends to increase agglutination in higher dilutions. The temperature of incubation exerts a profound influence on agglutination,''prolonged icebox incubation tending to raise the titers while prolonged incubation at room temperature has only insignificant effect on the titers. Titers obtained after two hours' incubation at 37 C. are somewhat lower than titers obtained at room temperature. Centrifuging, as recommended by Straus, gives higher titers than the sediment technic. One is often uncertain as to hoAV the results of others are to be interpreted because of variations in expressing dilution titers. The simplest method for correcting this would be for all to express titers as the final titer after all diluents and reagents are added. The selection of normal persons is obviously subject to pitfalls, since one cannot be certain that an apparently well person is not harboring antibodies from a previous illness. For this reason, it is wise not to use hospital patients.
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