A case of acute eosinophilic pneumonia with hypersensitivity to 'red spider' allergens

Autor: Annette Schaeffer, Laurent Brochard, François Lemaire, François Lebargy, Bertrand Godeau, Jean Marc Aiache, Ioanis Theodorou
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 95:1056-1058
ISSN: 0091-6749
DOI: 10.1016/s0091-6749(95)70110-9
Popis: Eosinophi l ic p n e u m o n i a is character ized by infi l tration of the lungs by eosinophils. The clinical course is of ten chronic with pers is tent or recur ren t p resence of p u l m o n a r y infiltrates. Recent ly , an acute fo rm of eosinophil ic lung disease, distinct f rom previously descr ibed syndromes, was repor t edl-3: the pat ients were first seen with acute febrile p n e u m o n i a of sudden onset , leading to severe hypoxemia with an increased n u m b e r of eosinophils in b ronchoa lveo la r lavage (BAL) fluid, and the absence of infection and previous atopic illness. It was suggested that a hypersensitivity phenomenon could be the underlying cause, but no allergen was identified. Rapid total recovery was observed in all cases after t rea tment with corticosteroids. W e repor t a new case of a pa t ient with acute eosinophil ic pneumonia , who is the first such pat ient to be seen with an unambigous hypersensit ivity react ion to an inhaled antigen. In contras t to pat ients in previous reports , our pa t ien t rapidly recovered wi thout cor t icosteroid adminis t ra t ion.
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