The Efficiency of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (Mall) in Vocabulary Learning

Autor: Atay, E., Zabitgil Gülseren, Ö.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4603085
Popis: Today, it has become quite easy for people to access information. This has deeply influenced the education world, too. Firstly, computer aided learning systems were developed. With the proliferation of mobile phones, mobile learning has started to spread rapidly. Mobile learning, which offers self-learning opportunities without time and space constraints, now has become one of the most popular learning tools. For this reason, learning vocabulary in a foreign language through mobile applications has been examined as a research area. A semi-experimental study was carried out to test the effectiveness of Memrise vocabulary learning application. Control and experimental groups were formed from students studying in English preparatory classes of a public university in İstanbul. In addition to regular classes, the experimental group received Memrise vocabulary learning application. Students in both groups were inquired about the target words in a pretest and posttest before and after each unit. When the results of the control group inquired, the study indicated that there was not a significant difference between the posttest and pretest results of the control group. In the experimental group, on the other hand, majority of the students answered most of the vocabulary correctly in the post-tests, and thus, there was a significant difference between pretest and posttest results revealing the positive effects of the Memrise application.
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