Generation of local magnetic fields at megahertz rates for the study of domain wall propagation in magnetic nanowires

Autor: Rai Moriya, B Bert Koopmans, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Luc Thomas, Masamitsu Hayashi, Bastiaan Bergman, Eric A. Joseph, John Hummel, Christy S. Tyberg, Mary-Beth Rothwell, Yu Lu, William J. Gallagher
Přispěvatelé: Physics of Nanostructures, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir institute
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Applied Physics Letters, 95(26):262503, 262503-1/3. American Institute of Physics
ISSN: 1077-3118
Popis: We describe a technique for generating local magnetic fields at megahertz rates along magnetic nanowires. Local and global magnetic fields are generated from buried copper fine-pitch wires fabricated on 200 mm silicon wafers using standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor back-end process technology. In combination with pump-probe scanning Kerr microscopy, we measure the static and dynamic propagation fields of domain walls in permalloy nanowires.
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