Healthy Cities Phase V evaluation: further synthesizing realism

Autor: Josephine Jackisch, Nicola Palmer, Evelyne de Leeuw, Helen Lease, Agis D. Tsouros, Jean Simos, June Crown, Niels Rasmussen, Marian Biddle, Geoff Green, J. L. Farrington, Mariana Dyakova, Connie Petersen, Leah Janss Lafond, Erica Ison, Joan Devlin, Gabriel Scally, Lucy Spanswick, Per-Olof Östergren, Ilona Kickbusch, Anna Ritsatakis, Suzanne Earl, Marcus Grant, Premila Webster, Karolina Mackiewicz, Gianna Zamaro, Johan Faskunger
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: In this article we reflect on the quality of a realist synthesis paradigm applied to the evaluation of Phase V of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network. The programmatic application of this approach has led to very high response rates and a wealth of important data. All articles in this Supplement report that cities in the network move from small-scale, time-limited projects predominantly focused on health lifestyles to the significant inclusion of policies and programmes on systems and values for good health governance. The evaluation team felt that, due to time and resource limitations, it was unable to fully exploit the potential of realist synthesis. In particular, the synthetic integration of different strategic foci of Phase V designation areas did not come to full fruition. We recommend better and more sustained integration of realist synthesis in the practice of Healthy Cities in future Phases.
Databáze: OpenAIRE