MOESM2 of Profiling of the muscle-specific dystroglycan interactome reveals the role of Hippo signaling in muscular dystrophy and age-dependent muscle atrophy

Autor: Yatsenko, Andriy, Kucherenko, Mariya, Yuanbin Xie, Aweida, Dina, Urlaub, Henning, Scheibe, Renate, Shenhav Cohen, Halyna Shcherbata
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.11665137
Popis: Additional file 2: Table S1. Muscle-specific Dg-interacting proteins. Table S2. Pathway enrichment in muscle-specific Dg-interacting components. Table S3. Human disease association enrichment analysis. Table S4. Dg interacts with the Hippo pathway causing age-dependent muscle degeneration. Table S5. Dg and Hippo pathway regulate muscle size during ageing. Table S6. Effect of Dg and Hippo deregulation on muscle size during ageing. Figure S1. Dystroglycan co-localizes with cytoskeletal proteins in muscles and associates with the WW domain protein Kbr. Figure S2. Kibra protein expression in muscles. Figure S3. Yorkie protein expression in muscles. Figure S4. The Hippo signaling pathway components Kibra and Yorkie are WW domain-containing proteins. Figure S5. Deregulation of Yorkie or Kibra affects muscle size. Figure S6. Deregulation of the Dg-Hippo signaling cascade affects muscle growth and maintenance.
Databáze: OpenAIRE