Estudo Dos Efeitos Da Topografia Em Sondagens Mt Através Da Computação Paralela

Autor: Luiz Rijo, Rodrigo Erasmo da Conceição Silva
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society.
Popis: In this work we presented some results on the effects of the topography on MT soundings computed through parallel computation. With this objective a program was developed to draw no structured finite elements meshes and also for minimization of the semi-band of the system of linear equations. Even with the minimization of the semi-band of the finite elements matrix, the computational time for a MT sounding with 51 periods (0.01 - 1000 s) takes more than one hour in a sequential computer with a Core 2 Duo processor. On the other hand, the computational time can be greatly reduced by using parallel computation. For instance, in a cluster with more than 51 cores like Netune the time can be reduced for less than one minute. Three models with a topographic valley were computed: Model 0 is a valley without body, Model 1 with a 1D layer with 10 Ω.m, 1000 m thick and 1000 m below the bottom of the valley. In the Model 2, the 1D layer was substituted by a two-dimensional body with 10 Ω.m, 1000 m thick and 2000 m width. The effects of the topography were analyzed with several EM soundings at different positions across the valley.
Databáze: OpenAIRE