Nanodelivery of nucleic acids

Autor: Bárbara B. Mendes, João Conniot, Aviram Avital, Dongbao Yao, Xingya Jiang, Xiang Zhou, Noga Sharf-Pauker, Yuling Xiao, Omer Adir, Haojun Liang, Jinjun Shi, Avi Schroeder, João Conde
Přispěvatelé: NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (NMS|FCM), Centre for Toxicogenomics and Human Health (ToxOmics)
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Nat Rev Methods Primers
ISSN: 2662-8449
Popis: Funding: This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (ERC-StG-2019-848325 to J. Conde) and the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT Grant (PTDC/BTM-MAT/4738/2020 to J. Conde). J.S. acknowledges US National Institute of Health (NIH) grants (R01CA200900, R01HL156362 and R01HL159012), the US DoD PRCRP Idea Award with Special Focus (W81XWH1910482), the Lung Cancer Discovery Award from the American Lung Association and the Innovation Discovery Grants award from the Mass General Brigham. H.L., D.Y. and X.Z. were supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (no. 2020YFA0710700), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos 21991132, 52003264, 52021002 and 52033010) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (no. WK2060000027). There is growing need for a safe, efficient, specific and non-pathogenic means for delivery of gene therapy materials. Nanomaterials for nucleic acid delivery offer an unprecedented opportunity to overcome these drawbacks; owing to their tunability with diverse physico-chemical properties, they can readily be functionalized with any type of biomolecules/moieties for selective targeting. Nucleic acid therapeutics such as antisense DNA, mRNA, small interfering RNA (siRNA) or microRNA (miRNA) have been widely explored to modulate DNA or RNA expression Strikingly, gene therapies combined with nanoscale delivery systems have broadened the therapeutic and biomedical applications of these molecules, such as bioanalysis, gene silencing, protein replacement and vaccines. Here, we overview how to design smart nucleic acid delivery methods, which provide functionality and efficacy in the layout of molecular diagnostics and therapeutic systems. It is crucial to outline some of the general design considerations of nucleic acid delivery nanoparticles, their extraordinary properties and the structure–function relationships of these nanomaterials with biological systems and diseased cells and tissues. publishersversion published
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