Crouzon syndrome: Virtual planning of surgical treatment by application of internal distractors

Autor: Ruslan Asadov, Zaur Novruzov, Gunel Hajiyeva, Ismayil Farzaliyev, Nazim Verdiyev, Chingiz Rahimov
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery
ISSN: 2249-3816
Popis: Crouzon syndrome is one of the frequent pathologies within craniosynostosis syndrome. Current progress in computers and biotechnologies allows improving surgical approach and forecasting final result of reconstruction as well. We present a case of successful surgical treatment of Crouzon syndrome, done by application of virtual planning allowing determining “monobloc” features, type of reconstruction and distraction protocol as well. A 20-year-old female had presented with craniofacial deformity. Clinical and radiological investigation revealed Crouzon syndrome. The “monobloc” creation, cranioplasty and internal distractors positioning, direction and schedule of advancement were done according to preoperative virtual planning data achieved by Materialise Mimics Research software. Nine months postoperative functional and esthetic result and radiological findings showed to be reasonable. That application of virtual simulation significantly allows to determine best direction of distraction and improves postoperative outcomes of surgical treatment of Crouzon syndrome.
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