Radiation Transmission-based Thickness Measurement Systems - Theory and Applications to Flat Rolled Strip Products

Autor: Mark E. Zipf
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Advances in Measurement Systems
Popis: This chapter has explored the underlying physics and methods associated with radiation based measurements of material thickness. The intent of this chapter has been to provide a tutorial foundation of these principles, to support subsequent discussions (Zipf, 2010). The primary components of this form of measurement system have been presented and discussed. Natural and artificial radiation sources / generators have been examined and considered for application. The nature of the material's interaction with radiation is analyzed and considered in the presence of possibly complex material chemistries have been identified and accommodated in the methods for rendering a measurement. Detection system sensors and instrumentation have been presented and evaluated with respect to their employment in these measurement systems. The typical signal processing flow has been reviewed, along with the manner in which the measurement is resolved and distributed to external systems. A sensitivity analysis has been provided to identify key parameters and relationships that influence the quality, accuracy and precision of the measurement signal. Classical system architectures and implementations have been presented and discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE